Latest News

10.07.2024: Version 4.2 of the CMIP7 forcing data published, see CMIP7 special page for details.

24.05.2024: Preliminary CMIP7 forcing data published, see CMIP7 special page for details.

14.03.2022: Registration for the 8th HEPPA-SOLARIS workshop (13-15 June 2022) is now open:

11.06.2020: Solar Proton Flux data updated until 2019. See

13.01.2020: 8th SOLARIS-HEPPA workshop announced. See meetings page and for more information.

11.03.2019: Solar Proton Flux data updated until 2018. See

23.04.2018: Solar Proton Flux data updated until 2017. See

23.04.2018: List of publications finally updated. See

23.02.2018: 7th International HEPPA-SOLARIS 2018 Workshop Roanoke, Virginia, USA officially announced. See meetings page for more information

07.02.2018: New meetings from the solarisheppa mailing list added.

21.06.2017: Two (managed) mailing lists are now available. Both lists are managed low-volume list to protect from additional SPAM.

  1. News and updates from the SOLARISHEPPA community. It will replace the manual mailings that have been used in the past to inform you about meetings, workshops and major updates within the SOLARISHEPPA community. Please visit our subscription page to add your email to this list.
  2. News and updates regarding the solar forcing recommendations for CMIP6. It will replace the manual mailings that have been used in the past to inform you about news and updates regarding the solar forcing recommendations for CMIP6. Please visit our subscription page to add your email to this list.

20.06.2017: Meeting information for the Working Group meeting in Paris in November 2017 updated. Please see the special page on the Paris meeting.

23.04.2017: Don't miss the arcticle by Matthes et al. (2017) zu "Update on SOLARIS-HEPPA Activities: New Working Groups", SPARC Newsletter No. 48, January 2017, see also

03.01.2017: CMIP6 forcing data: New files of version 3.2 uploaded (only new filenames and attributes, no data changes)

24.06.2016: CMIP6 forcing data: New version 3.2 of all forcing files and bug fix in NOy UBC model (new version=1.3)

22.06.2016: Interesting AGU session announced

20.01.2016: New meetings for 2016 are listed

13.07.2015RAISE/SOLARIS-HEPPA Meeting Nov 3 - 6, 2015, Boulder, Colorado. For details see

06.11.2014: Conference on Sun-Climate Connections(16-19 March 2015) in Kiel, Germany.
This international conference will provide an overview of our current understanding of Sun-Climate Connections starting at processes on the Sun itself over space weather and solar wind towards solar influence on the upper atmosphere down to the ocean. It will also provide insights into the heatedly debated role of the Sun in climate change. In four sessions the various contributions of solar variability influence on Earth’s climate will be presented and discussed by bringing together solar physicists, space scientists, atmospheric scientists, climate modellers, and paleoclimatologists. Abstract submission is now open and closes January 12th! More information can be found at

22.04.2014: Fixed bug in Solar Proton Flux dataset (missing data in 2012 caused read error).

10.01.2014: New meetings for 2014 added. See Upcoming Meetings

28.11.2013: The new SOLARISHEPPA webpage is online (replacing the old SOLARIS and HEPPA pages)

29.10.2013: Daily spectrally resolved EUV data 1950-2012 now available. See CCMI recommendations

14.10.2013: Added SATIRE daily SSI and TSI data, historical daily NRLSSI data, EUV data beyond 2006 will be available as soon as possible. For more information on the data read CCMI recommendations