Workshop Summaries

This page summarizes all SOLARISHEPPA related workshops. For a list of all past meetings related to SOLARISHEPPA please see past meetings page

2014 an newer

Currently no summary documents are available from the most recent workshops. Please refer to the "Past Meetings" page for past SOLARISHEPPA related meetings and workshops


SolarMIP workshop (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece from 29-30 October, 2013) summary


HEPPA/SOLARIS Workshop in Boulder/CO, USA 9 - 12 October 2012


SOLARIS side meeting at the SCOSTEP Conference, July 2010, Berlin/Germany

Solaris Meeting Potsdam, Germany (March 2010, see also Matthes et al., 2011, SPARC Newsletter, No. 36)


SOLARIS side meeting at the SPARC General Assembly in September 2008 in Bologna/Italy


First SOLARIS Workshop, October 2006 in Boulder/CO, USA (see also Matthes et al. 2007, SPARC Newsletter, No. 28)


SOLARIS planning meeting at the IAGA conference in Toulouse, July 2005 (summary)